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A tool for downloading Land Surface Model (LSM) input data.

Named after Zam; the Avestan language term for the Zoroastrian concept of "earth".

Why using Zampy

zampy is designed to retrieve data for LSM model input. It can help you prepare the data within the following steps:

  1. Download the data for the specified location(s) / geographical area.
  2. Ingest data into unified (zampy) format.
  3. Load the variables in a standardized way (standardized names & standardized units).
  4. Convert the data to standard formats:
    • ALMA / PLUMBER2's ALMA formatted netCDF.
    • CMOR formatted netCDF.

(Note: items in italic will not be worked on for now/low priority, but we want to allow space for these in the future.)

How to use Zampy

To install and configurezampy, fist check this guide before continuing. Please also make sure that you have properly configured it following the guidelines.

We recommend our users to use zampy with recipes.

A "recipe" is a file with yml extension, it defines:

  • which data to download:
  • the time extent
  • a spatial bounding box
  • the datasets to be downloaded
    • the variables within each dataset
  • and data conversion to the desired:
  • convention
  • time frequency
  • spatial resolution

A sample recipe is shown below:

name: "test_recipe"

  time: [2020-01-01, 2020-01-31] # must follow the numpy.datetime64 format.
  bbox: [54, 6, 50, 3] # NESW

        - eastward_component_of_wind
        - surface_pressure

        - co2_concentration

  convention: ALMA
  frequency: 1H  # outputs at 1 hour frequency. Pandas-like freq-keyword.
  resolution: 0.5  # output resolution in degrees.

You can specify multiple datasets and multiple variables per dataset. Information on the available datasets and their variables is shown here.

When you have your reciped created and saved on your disk, you can execute your recipe by running the following code in your shell:

zampy /path_to_recipe/sample_recipe.yml

Interact with zampy in notebooks

It is possible to use zampy directly in Python via its Python API. This is not recommended, as it is more difficult to reproduce the workflow if there is no recipe. As it is an internal API, python code can break without warning on new versions of Zampy. An example notebooks for each supported dataset is available here.


This package was developed by the Netherlands eScience Center. Development was supported by the Netherlands eScience Center under grant number NLESC.ASDI.2020.026.